About us

My Nurse Is Me

About us

Created by a nursing educator with 10 years of nursing experience, the birth of My Nurse is Me was heavily inspired during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the products it offers, this online company aims to consistently encourage all self-neglected individuals to seriously take care of themselves by speaking the native language of self-care not only during difficult times such as the current pandemic but also in everyday life when things return to “normal”.  Due to the historical pattern of self-neglect, some of us have become actual patients ourselves when allowing our own spiritual health, mental health, and physical health to repeatedly suffer throughout our impressive yet demanding careers or home lives. This company has decided enough is enough! It is time for self-neglected individuals to consider ourselves more often while providing individualized self-care. In other words, at some point, we must be our own nurses. Balance in our personal lives as well as our work lives are needed for us to thrive on a daily basis. Therefore, My Nurse is Me was born to push self-neglected inidivudals to hold each other accountable through the much-needed message of self-care. Hence, the name of this company speaks to the overall message.
